How to manage those restricting headaches!

How to manage those restricting headaches!

Over the past month, we’ve seen a drastic increase in patients looking for relief from painful headaches. Totally understandable too, they can really interfere with your daily life and make it difficult to complete simple everyday tasks!

Keep reading, we’re going to share what the most common causes are and what we can do to help you through it.

Quick question for you… Have you been suffering from headaches that just won’t go away?

If so, we want to help you get pain free, because what many patients don’t realise is that Physiotherapy treatment can help in a massive way.

Keep reading…

Most of the patients we see who are suffering from severe headaches generally experience a gradual onset of neck pain through the day, which progresses to neck restriction and tightness, then loss of concentration and then it progresses to severe pain. Sadly, a lot of people leave treatment until they’ve been experiencing their headache for days or in some cases even weeks.

Let’s make sure you don’t make that mistake too.

To get you pain free, back to enjoying everyday activities and headache free it is important that our expert physio’s assesses your individual situation and corrects the headache causing pain!

So, what causes your headaches?

Well, actually there is a range of really common causes for a headache, many that can be corrected by your physios. These causes can include:

-Neck and upper back stiffness
-Poor posture
-Muscle imbalances, weakness and tightness
-History of neck trauma
-Inappropriate desk setup
-Having the wrong pillow, or a weird sleeping posture

What treatment can you get to get rid of your headache?

In a case where your headache is brought on by one of the above causes, physiotherapy management can prove to be a life saver. Our physios will assess your current situation and provide the most appropriate treatment for you.

To ensure you get the outcomes you desire, it is vital that you get the treatment that you need. So contact us today on (03) 9364 1000 to say goodbye to your headaches and get back into action!

Speak soon!

The team at Physio Well-th
