Cortisone Injections – What you MUST know about cortisone

Earlier today I was a treating a patient with shoulder pain and the discussion about cortisone injections came up. The patient had asked if I think a cortisone injection would benefit them. I told them that the answer was a bit more complicated so I thought it was a great time to discuss everything that […]
How to manage those restricting headaches!

Over the past month, we’ve seen a drastic increase in patients looking for relief from painful headaches. Totally understandable too, they can really interfere with your daily life and make it difficult to complete simple everyday tasks! Keep reading, we’re going to share what the most common causes are and what we can do to […]
Are you suffering with shoulder pain?

Did you know that 10% of the population suffer with shoulder pain at any one time? Many of my patients who I’ve seen and treated with shoulder injuries (and there has been a few lately) never knew how much they relied on their shoulder movement until they started experiencing pain. The shoulder is a complex […]
Keep your spine feeling fine: Do’s and don’ts for a healthy spine

You probably don’t pay it much attention, but your spine is the part of your body which holds the show together. Comprising thirty-three individual bones stacked on top of each other, the spine provides the main support for your skeletal system while housing and protecting the central nervous system of your body, the vitally important […]
Avoiding the office bore: How to maintain a healthy back at work

Back pain – nobody wants it, but most of us have it. And the worst part about it? When someone asks how you hurt your back, the answer is totally devoid of any glamour. As much as you’d love to suggest that you injured yourself scoring the winning goal in your teams grand final or […]
Is your child’s joint pain a real problem?

We’ve all heard of growing pains, but when your child or teenager complains about having sore knees, feet or hips, it’s worth getting a second opinion. Although we tend to think of the teenage years as the body’s healthiest time, the reality is that the extreme rate of physical change that the body experiences during […]
Some great tips for Injury Prevention in Sports Players

We see a lot of athletes come through the clinic asking how they can prevent further injuries. We see a great deal of patients with injuries due to poor prevention techniques, so today I really want to shed some light on the topic, to help you get back to the game or activity that you […]
Why do I have Neck Pain?

Roadwork’s during peak hour. Screaming kids on flights (someone else’s, or worse, your own). The neighbours’ house alarm that goes off when they are on holiday. All of the above are certified pains in the neck and unfortunately, little research has been done into how best to prevent their occurrence. Even worse than these figurative […]
Understanding Sciatica

5 tips to prevent a painful bout of Sciatica Sciatica is a term to describe pain anywhere down or along the sciatic nerve which is a large nerve extending from the lower back, down the thigh to the back of each leg. It can reveal itself as weakness, numbness, and tingling, burning or shooting pain […]
How to get rid of back pain once and for all

Here at Physio Well-th, we see a lot of patients suffering from back pain. You see, as an expert in back pain management, I see a lot of weird and wonderful things in the clinic and I get asked a lot of questions. So today, I want to shed some light on how you can […]